Smith Machine Full body Workout



Set the height of the barbell up to shoulder height.

place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.


Slowly descend towards the ground in a squat motion.

Hold for one second then Return back upright into the starting position and repeat.

Dips [Triceps]


Face away from the bar, grab it with an overhand grip.

Straighten your legs out in front of you


Bend your arms to lower your body towards the floor.

Stop when your triceps are parallel with the ground, then extend your arms to return to the start.

Bench Press [Chest]


Lie on the bench and grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip.


Slowly lower it down towards your chest.

Hold this position for one second, then return back up to the start.

Repeat for recommended amount of repetitions 

[Shoulder] Press


Place a  bench with  back support underneath a smith machine.

Sit slightly in behind the barbell making sure the bar is at the same height as your nose.


Release the bar and push the bar up until full extension.

Pause then return to start position.

Repeat for recommended amount of repetitions

Bent Over Row [Back]


Standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your knees slightly bent.

Lean forward with your upper body until your chest is parallel to the floor and grasp bar with overhand grip.


Pull the bar up until it is almost touching your chest.  

Hold this position for one second, then return to starting position.

Repeat for recommended amount of repetitions

Smith Machine [Bicep] Curls


Stand up straight in front of the machine grabbing the bar with an underhand grip.

lower the bar so that your arms are rested at your sides.


Then curl the bar up towards your shoulders, isolating the bicep. 

Hold for one second, then return back to the starting position.

Repeat for recommended amount of repetitions