Back Workout: 4 Exercises.

Seated Cable Row


Sit slightly forward on seat or bench in order to grasp cable attachment. Place feet on vertical platform. Slide hips back positioning knees with slight bend.


Pull cable attachment to waist while straightening lower back. Pull shoulders back and push chest forward while arching back. Return until arms are extended, shoulders are stretched forward, and lower back is flexed forward.

Repeat for recommended amount of repetitions.

Reverse Grip Lat Pulldowns 


Position yourself on the lat pulldown machine and grab the bar with an underhand grip, while keeping you hands at about a shoulder width distance.


Pull the bar straight down using your back muscles to the middle of the chest.

Slowly return the weight back to the start position.

Repeat for recommended amount of repetitions.

Pull Ups


Stand below the pull up bar and grasp it with wide overhand grip. hang on the bar, bend your knees and cross you lower legs.


Pull your body up until your upper chest reaches the bar. Look up and keep chest up leaning towards the bar.

Return with the same speed, keep arms slightly bent at the bottom of the motion.

Repeat for recommended amount of repetitions.

Bent Over Dumbbell Row


With a dumbbell in each hand [palms facing your torso], bend your knees slightly and bring your torso forward by bending at the waist.


While keeping your torso stationary, lift the dumbbells to your sides, keeping the elbows close to the body. On the  top contracted position, squeeze and hold for a second.

Slowly lower the weight to the start position.

Repeat for recommended amount of repetitions.