Glute Building Workout: 6 Exercises.

Stability Ball Leg Curls


Lie on mat with lower legs on exercise ball. Extend arms out to sides.

Straighten lower back, and hip, raising back and hips off the floor.


Keeping hips and lower back straight. bend knees, pulling heels towards rear end.

Allow feet to roll up on ball. lower to original position. Repeat.

Side Band Walking


Tie a resistance band just below your knees, and descend into a quarter squat position, feet slightly more than shoulder width apart to put tension on the band.


Keeping your abs tight and staying in the quarter-squat, step to the right with your right leg first, then your left, keeping tension on the band throughout. Repeat for reps, then switch sides to lead with your left leg. 

Stiff Leg Deadlift


Stand with shoulder width or narrower stance on shallow platform with feet flat beneath bar.

Bend knees and bend over with lower back straight. 

Grasp barbell with shoulder width overhand or mixed grip, shoulder width or slightly wider.

Lift weight to standing position.


Lower bar to top of feet by bending hips. Bend knees slightly during descent and keep waist straight, flexing only slightly at bottom. With knees bent, lift bar by extending at hips until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly if rounded. Extend knees at top if desired. Repeat. 

Split Squat


Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides facing away from bench.

Extend leg back and place top of foot on bench.


Squat down by flexing knee and hip in front leg until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor.

Return to original position by extending hip and knee of forward leg and repeat.

Continue with opposite leg.

Wall Squats


Stand with about hip or shoulder-width apart and place an exercise ball behind your lower back and against a sturdy wall for support.


Bend the knees and lower into a squat, keeping the knees in line with the toes. 

Lower down as far as you can go (but no lower than 90 degrees) and push into heels to go back to stating position.

Cable Kickbacks


Attach ankle cuff to low pulley. With cuff on one ankle, grasp ballet bar with both hands and step back with other foot. Elbows remain straight. Attached leg is straight and foot is slightly off floor.


Pull cable attachment back by extending hip. Return leg to original position. Repeat. Continue with opposite leg.