Ab Workout: 10 Exercises.



Position your legs on the ball, keeping your back is straight, and your core is engaged.


Lift your hip upwards, raise your body up.

Slowly lower your body back to the starting position and repeat.

Hanging Leg Raise


Hang from a chin-up bar with both arms extended at arms length using either a wide or medium grip.


Raise your legs until the torso makes a 90-degree angle with the legs, then return to starting position.

Barbell Roll Out


Kneel on mat or floor. Grasp the barbell with overhand grip.

Position barbell near front of knees and lean over with arms extended downwards
supporting upper body


With arms straight, roll barbell as far out as possible.

Lower body gently to the floor extending arms forward. 

Raise body back up by flexing hips and pulling arms back to original position.

Return until hips are extended. Repeat. 

Cable Wood Chops - Low To High


Grab a low cable with both hands and get into a wide stance.

Drop down to one side and lock your arms.


Take your arm out in front of you and move up, rotating your stretching leg and pivoting around to the other side of your body.

Return to starting position.

Weighted Sit-Up Press


Select a weight load, dumbbells, kettlebell, medicine ball, weight plate can be used.

Lie flat on a mat with legs bent and dumbbells in a press position.


Elevate your body and press the dumbbells so you arms are fully extended in front of you.

Hold contraction for one second, then return to starting position, repeat.



Clean the kettlebell to your shoulder.

Rotate your wrist as you do so, so that the palm faces forward. Press it overhead by extending the elbow.


Bend at the hips towards the right, while looking up at the kettlebell.    

Glide your right hand down your thigh, to act as a guide.

Towards the bottom of the movement the right leg may bend a little, the left leg should always be locked out.

You should continue to bend at the hips, go only as far as you feel comfortable.

Squeeze your glutes  and breath out on the way up.

Two Point Plank


Begin in plank position with your upper body supported by your forearms.


Lift your right hand and left foot off the floor and hold for a count of one, keeping your

hips and shoulders level.

Return to starting position. This counts as one rep. switch sides with each rep.

Reverse Plank


Sit with legs extended in front of you, palms on floor under shoulders, fingers facing body.


Pressing into palms and feet, lift hips, forming a straight line from shoulders to feet. Hold for one minute.

Flutter Kicks


Start by lying flat on your back on a mat with your arms by your sides and your palms down.
Extend your legs fully out with a slight bend in your knees.

Lift your heels about 6 inches off the floor 


Make small, rapid up and down scissor-like motions with your legs. 

The key is to focus on having your midsection do all the work and to keep your abs

constantly contracted throughout the exercise.

Medicine Ball V Ups


Lie face up with a medicine ball between your hands and your arms extended behind you


Keep your arms and legs straight and then raise your feet an inch off the floor.

Raise you torso any legs up at the same time and touch the medicine ball to your feet.

Hold for a moment.

Lower down to starting position with arms and ball behind your head.