7 Day Workout Program (5 days on- 2 days off)

Monday: Legs

Squats 3 x 12 (3 Heavy sets and then do 2 drop sets as well)
Walking Lunges 3×12
Superset Walking Lunges with moderately heavy Deadlifts 3×12
Jump Squats with Bosu Ball 3×15
Lying Leg Curls 3×12

Tuesday: Chest/Shoulders

Incline Fly’s 3×12
Hammer Strength Chest Press 3×12
Overhead Shoulder Press 3×12 (Then drop set)
Lateral Raises 3×12 (Then 2 drop sets)
Push Ups 4×12

Wednesday: Back/Abs

Half Deadlifts 4×12 (Heavy) then 3 drops sets
Wide Grip Pull Down 3×12
Pull Ups 3×15

Close Grip Row 3×12

Thursday: Arms

Dumbbell Bicep Curl 3×12 (Then drop set)
Hammer Curl 3×12
Reverse Barbell Curl 3×12
Tricep Cable Push Down 3×12
Overhead Cable Extension 3×12
Close Grip Push Ups 3×12

Friday: Total Body Conditioning


Saturday: Off

Rest Day

Sunday: Off

Rest Day