Back Workout: Blast Your Back With 7 Exercises.

T-Bar Row


Place the end of an empty barbell into the corner of a room. Load the opposite end of the bar with plates and straddle it.

Bend over at the hips until your torso is about a 45-degree angle to the floor with arms extended.
Hook a V-grip handle under the bar and hold with both hands.


Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull the bar until the plates touch your chest.




Stand below the pull up bar and grasp it with wide overhand grip. hang on the bar, bend your knees and cross you lower legs.


Pull your body up until your upper chest reaches the bar. Look up and keep chest up leaning towards the bar.

Return with the same speed, keep arms slightly bent at the bottom of the motion.

Repeat for recommended amount of repetitions.

Bent Over Row


Choose a suitable weight for the barbell, stand with feet shoulder width apart.

Bend knees slightly and bend over bar with back straight.

Grasp bar with wide overhand grip.


Pull barbell towards your waist.

Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched downwards. Repeat.

One Arm Row


Find a suitable weight.

Place knee on a flat bench, with arm closest to the bench supporting your body as you lean forward

Grasp dumbbell with other arm. 


Pull dumbbells towards your abdomen while keeping good posture.

Once the elbow is brought up past the body and contraction is made, slowly reverse the movement back to the starting position.

Lat Pulldown


Grasp cable with a wide grip. sit with thighs under support.


Pull the cable bar down to upper chest. Return until arm and shoulder are fully extended.

Straight Arm Pulldowns


Grasp a pull down bar with a wide grip so your hands are on the outermost part  of the bar.

Stand upright with your abs drawn in and a slight a slight bend in your knees.


Exhale and push the bar straight down while maintaining only a slight bend in your elbows and wrists.  

You should continue to pull the bar down until it touches your thighs.

Good Mornings


Slowly allow the bar to raise back up to starting position and repeat.

Position barbell on back of shoulders and grasp bar to sides.


Keeping back straight, bend hips to lower torso forward until parallel to floor. Raise torso until hips are extended. Repeat.