6 Kettlebell Exercises For All Levels Of Gym-Goer.

Kettlebell swing

Muscles targeted: Shoulders, back, hips, glutes, abs, quads

Stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Grasp the kettlebell handle with both hands with your palms facing towards you and arms in front of your body. Lower your body by slightly bending your knees and driving your hips back. Explosively drive your hips forwards and swing the kettlebell with straight arms towards shoulder height, keeping your glutes and core engaged. Control the swing back down.

Single-arm kettlebell row

Muscles targeted: Back, biceps, shoulders

Place the kettlebell in front of your feet. Take a big step back with your left leg and grasp the kettlebell in your left hand, resting your right arm on your right knee. Pull the kettlebell into your hip and then lower it until just before it touches the floor with your arm fully extended. Keep your back in a fixed position throughout.

Intermediate Kettlebell Exercises

Goblet Squat

Muscles targeted: Quads, hamstrings, glutes and core

Hold the kettlebell upside down in both hands. The movement of the goblet squat is the same as a regular squat – lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then drive back up through your heels. The goblet squat helps improve your squatting movement pattern because of the position the kettlebell is held in throughout the movement.

Russian Twist

Muscles targeted: Abs, obliques

Sit with your feet flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart with legs bent, and lean back so your torso is at a 45° angle to the floor. Hold the kettlebell against your chest using both hands. Twist at the waist to rotate your torso from left to right, moving the kettlebell from side to side, but not letting it touch the floor.

Advanced Kettlebell Exercises

Press-Up With Row

Muscles targeted: Chest, triceps, back, biceps

Start in a press-up position, hands shoulder-width apart and grasping the kettlebell handles, with your feet together. Perform a press-up and then, at the top of the press-up, perform a row by raising your right elbow and squeezing your shoulder blades together so that your elbow comes up past your body. Lower and row with your left hand, then continue into the next rep by performing another press-up.

Clean and Press

Muscles targeted: Shoulders, triceps, core, hamstrings, glutes, quads

Grasp a kettlebell resting on the floor and clean it to your shoulder by explosively extending your legs and hips as you pull the kettlebell up to your shoulder, swinging the kettlebell over your wrist so that your palm is facing forwards. Keep your torso tight and dip your body by slightly bending your knees, then drive through your heels and explosively extend your knees and hips so that you create momentum. As you do this, press the kettlebell over your head until your arm is fully extended.